
Deaconess Brochure – added 07/01/2022

Setting Apart of Dss. Cheryl Ivers

On January 21, 2023, at the Cathedral Church of the Holy Communion in Dallas, TX (Diocese of Mid-America), Cheryl Ivers was Set Apart to the Order of Deaconesses. Bishop Banek officiated. and The Very Rev. Canon Charles Camlin was the presenter. Dss Cynthia Longueville and Dss Jill Nowell were the attendants.

Link to video of the service

Setting Apart of Dss. Cynthia Longueville

On Sunday, February 7, 2021, at the Cathedral Church of the Holy Communion in Dallas, TX (Diocese of Mid-America), Cynthia Longueville was Set Apart to the Order of Deaconesses. Bishop Sutton officiated, and The Very Rev. Canon Charles Camlin was the presenter. Dss Annette Johnson and Dss Jill Nowell were the attendants. The Rev. Dcn David Norton also assisted in the service. Below is a link to the video from the service of Setting Apart.

Link to video of the service

Podcast Featuring Dss. Annette Johnson

In June 2019, Anglican Audio’s “Faith and Honor” podcast featured Dss Annette Johnson of St. Matthias Anglican Church (REC-ACNA) in Katy, TX, answering questions about the history and nature of the office of Deaconess.

Listen here.